Disengagement leads to...
37% higher turnover
Loss of one day of productivity per week
48% higher quality issues
In 2023, the growth of business is dependent on your workforce. Retaining and attracting the talent you need is mission critical. That is why we are making workforce development mission #1 in 2023. Leadership and Culture development can make us more competitive...
Become the Employer of
Choice with the Right Culture
#1 Method for Team Productivity
Learn How to Engage Employees
Create a Culture Plan
Studies show improving business leadership and culture are proven keys to seeing great gains in productivity and employee retention. In an environment where businesses are confronted with workforce challenges on a daily basis, getting ahead sometimes requires revisiting how leaders lead. At this training, leaders will learn to lead using principles that are time-tested. We invite you to participate to experience results that truly will make a difference in your business.
Enterprise Level Leadership Training From
If your organization's productivity, employee engagement, and retention improves business transforms. VP Culture uses scientific principles based on years of success in industry to develop your organization into a culture where your people and business thrive.
VP Culture teaches leaders how to update the operating system of their organization: business culture. It uses four key scientific practices to accomplish this. It is compatible with all types of organizations from manufacturing to medical.
VP Culture is the work of Randal Weidenaar, national speaker, author of two books, and culture consultant. Randal was educated in organizational psychology and neuroscience at MIT, University of Pennsylvania, Harvardx, and London Metropolitan University.
This was unbelievable. The presentation was great and the message was even better. I have been a part of this event for many years and this was, by far, the best presentation for HR/Business success I have seen.
Personality Science Workshop :: April 28, 2023Discover the DNA of personality. Personality science helps your leadership lead each individual to their strengths. Leaders lean to predict how others perceive and behave, and how to maximize these differences. 70% of employee engagement hinges on this leadership ability. Based on over 40 years of research and outcome-based methods. ● Create a target culture, with specific scientific methods ● How valuing affects our neurobiology ● How valuing people is the optimal human motivator ● Increase leadership connection with teams ● Outcomes-based methods used for over 40 years
Value Science Workshop :: June 2, 2023When values become your vision you will become unstoppable. Learn how to guide people to their deepest values. Values guide individuals and organizations for a lifetime while goals are temporary at best. According to studies values science increases performance and job satisfaction. ● Learn the three levels of values determined by science ● Lead teams to their deepest motivations ● Increases engagement, performance and job satisfaction according to studies ● Outcomes-based methods used for over 40 years
Culture Science Workshop :: March 31, 2023Culture drives and motivates your organization. Unplanned cultures are often the results of forces out of your control. A planned intentional culture leads to an engaged workforce. VP Cultures are based on valuing people, which is the one thing that motivates all people. Build your culture based on science and experience. ● Create a culture plan with specific scientific methods ● Learn how valuing affects our neurobiology ● How valuing people is the optimal human state ● Increase outcomes on all indicators ● Outcomes-based methods used for over 40 years
Emotional Science Workshop :: May 12, 2023Studies by Harvard and Google researchers point to emotional science as being the #1 factor driving team success. Proper use of our emotional intelligence un-leashes productivity, creativity, and team synergy. Based on techniques used in the workplace for over 30 years. Leaders will learn what isn't taught in business school. ● Techniques used by the best teams and leaders ● Emotional science leads to better economic decisions ● Team productivity soars ● Increase quality outcomes significantly ● Outcomes-based methods used for over 30 years
Who Should Attend
It is recommended that top and middle managers should attend. Although the training is helpful for employees of all levels.
All courses will be held from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at:
MFA Oil Business Support Center
101 McKeown Pkwy
Moberly, MO 65270
The Four Workshops:
Culture Science: March 31, 2023
Personality Science: April 28, 2023
Emotional Science: May 12, 2023
Values Science: June 2, 2023
Online video of workshops available upon request for those who have difficulty attending the live event.
How to Participate
Moberly Area EDC is pleased to join our partners in offering this training to employers of all sizes. We are in an unprecedented time of labor shortages due to the high demand and low supply of labor in our area. With record low unemployment, retaining and attracting employees is critical if our communities and regional economy are to grow and prosper.
MAEDC’s 2023 focus is on workforce development. It is our belief that culture and leadership training is critical for every business in our region to compete and to excel. We hope you will attend this training as we believe it will benefit your organization.
If you have any questions about this program, please don't hesitate to contact us directly.
Kaylee Paffrath, MBA
Moberly Area EDC
Director, Business Development
Randy Asbury
Moberly Area EDC, President