For several years, citizens of Monroe County have worked toward being designated a National Work Ready Community and now we are close to achieving this significant goal. A Work Ready Community is more attractive to prospective employers because it certifies the skill level of a community’s workforce. This nationally standardized certifica
tion will present an accurate picture of the ability and knowledge of workers in Monroe County. The county is just a few volunteers away from receiving its recognition. If you, or anyone you know is currently looking for a new job; please plan to join us on Wednesday, December 7th at the Paris High School Library for an informational session. You will not only be helping you or a friend find a rewarding job, but you will also help Monroe County achieve an important distinction. Event starts at 6:30pm and attendees are welcome to come any time between 6:30pm and 7:00pm. After 7:00pm, those interested in registering may utilize the school’s computers to get started on joining the Work Ready Community Initiative.
For more information on the Work Ready Community Initiative please visit workreadycommunities.org. For questions please contact us at (660) 327-5125, or info@moberly-edc.com