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Updated Labor Reports Now Available

The Moberly Area Economic Dev elopment Corporation has released updated labor surveys for the MAEDC region and Northeast Missouri. The studies were commissioned by the Northeast Missouri Development Partnership and funded by the Northeast Missouri Workforce Development Board. Growth Services Group, of Moberly, was contracted to conduct the research.

NMDP ordered two new studies to examine labor demand in Northeast Missouri. In 2015, the same organization conducted labor supply certifications. Prospective businesses often require labor studies be conducted within the last three years. With the completion of the Labor Demand Certifications, MAEDC’s labor information is fully updated. All reports are available on the MAEDC website.

Labor Demand Certifications are completed with employers in the NEMO Region and include information from the employer’s perspective. There are two separate reports; one for healthcare and one for industry. The Labor Demand assesses the current workforce from the employer’s perspective by ranking employees on their soft and hard skills. Employers also provide information on the most important positions in the facilities and how difficult it is to find applicants for those positions. This information gives prospective businesses necessary information on the current labor pool.

Labor Supply Certifications were completed last year and include interviews with the underemployed in the NE Missouri region. Underemployment is self-defined and includes employees who have educational attainment, and/or certifications of skills that they are not currently using in their position. The respondents are asked a series of questions regarding their willingness to take a new position and what the right opportunity may look like for them. These include questions regarding, desired wages, benefits, and willingness to commute.

MAEDC wishes to thank the Northeast Missouri Workforce Development Board and Brandi Glover for their financial support of these studies. Northeast Missouri Development Partnership as well as Growth Services Group.

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