This week on KWIXLand's monthly Business Spotlight, JB Connelly welcomed JB Waggoner, Managing Partner of Inovatia Laboratories, LLC, and Randy Asbury, President of MAEDC, as his guests. Mr. Waggoner has been a resident of Fayette since 1987, when he came to attend Central Methodist University. Since then, he has founded two companies and raised a family in the area. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Mr. Waggoner is also a commercial instrument-rated pilot, and enjoys flying for both business and pleasure. He is an active volunteer in economic development and civic groups, including the Rotary Club and the Fayette Optimist Club. In the past, he has served as a member of the Fayette Board of Aldermen and even as Mayor for the City of Fayette.

The Inovatia Group is one of three technology companies located in Howard County, Missouri, USA. From its current location, Inovatia serves business, government, and industry clients worldwide. As a result of its proximity to the University of Missouri-Columbia and access to intellectual capital located at institutions throughout the region, including Central Methodist University in Fayette, a collaborative environment has been created for business development, innovation, creativity, and technology transfer. (
Listen to the full interview: