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Leadership Northeast Missouri concludes fifth year – 19 regional leaders graduate

Carolyn Chrisman and Kaylee Paffrath

Northeast Missouri (November 2023) – Leadership Northeast Missouri recently held their 2023 graduation ceremony in Edina, Missouri at the Knox County Community Center.

Nineteen men and women who live or work in northeast Missouri participated in the fifth year of the leadership development program. Over the last six months, participants traveled to Brunswick, Eoila, Palmyra, Macon, Hannibal, and Edina to learn more about important economic development issues facing the region. Topics included: broadband/agriculture technology, healthcare, transportation and infrastructure, workforce and navigating government systems.

Additionally, each Leadership Northeast Missouri session included lessons and discussion utilizing TruColors personality assessment and leadership topics such as communication, diversity, equity, and inclusion, generational intelligence, problem solving and networking.

Graduates of the 2023 class of Leadership Northeast Missouri include: Abe Gray, Palmyra; Adam Robinson, Kirksville; Andrew Snyder, Brusnwick; Courtney Baeris, Hannibal; Daren Dowell, Hannibal; Darrin Gordon, Hannibal; Devon Williams, Kirksville; Heather Baker, Macon; Kara Berlin-Bates, Hannibal; Kaylee Paffrath, Moberly; Kellie Dietrich, Hannibal; Kent Embree, Quincy, IL; Lisa Skelton, Shelby County; Loree Quinn, Monroe City; Mathew Munzlinger, Hannibal; Rebecca Miller, Macon; Sarah Clubine, Brunswick; Shelley Oltmans, Canton; Sydney Rice, Brunswick.

Leadership Northeast Missouri is a leadership development program designed and launched by Missouri Northeast to build, strengthen and inspire leaders through training and networking experiences. “We saw a need to bring leaders together to help them learn more about our area, the issues, and to connect them with other communities in order to grow together as a region,” said Carolyn Chrisman, Missouri Northeast treasurer. “The program launched in 2018 and was very successful. We are thrilled to report that 2023 was another great program that truly built on the success of the first year. We are looking forward to continuing this important program for many years to come.”

The 2024 Leadership Northeast Missouri program application is now available at

Program planning committee members for 2023 include: Carolyn Chrisman, Missouri Northeast; Allie Bennett, Northeast Missouri Electric Power Cooperative; Shari Schenewerk, Missouri Department of Development; and Sue Goulder, Macon, MO.

About Missouri Northeast

Missouri Northeast is the regional economic development organization in northeast Missouri. Missouri Northeast was founded in 2006. The main goals of Missouri Northeast are to increase capital investment in the region, create jobs and market the region for new business recruitment as well as retention and expansion of existing industry. Members of Missouri Northeast work together on legislative initiatives, labor studies, leadership development and other local and regional economic development projects.


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