Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority Announces Show-Me Entrepreneurial Grants for Agriculture The deadline to apply for funding is April 28, 2023 The Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority (MASBDA) is accepting applications for funding through its new Show-Me Entrepreneurial Grants for Agriculture (SEGA) program. Missouri entities seeking to add value to agricultural products or provide educational opportunities to those seeking to do so should submit their application by Friday, April 28. “Missouri has a long-term vision to grow agriculture, our state’s top economic driver, and make Missouri an even bigger player in the food, fiber and forestry markets,” said Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn. “This grant program is a part of the long-term vision that can help farmers and agribusinesses take their ideas to the next level.” The Show-Me Entrepreneurial Grants for Agriculture program is open to individuals, businesses and institutions of higher education. Grants are funded by an appropriation from the Missouri General Assembly to encourage value-added agriculture innovation in the state. Continue Reading...
The City of Moberly and Arcturis invite you to a public meeting to review design opportunities for the new Moberly City Signage and Wayfinding System. We will encourage feedback from attendees on conceptual design. For more information, please visit moberlymo.org or contact Tom Sanders at 660-269-8705x2044 or via email: tsanders@cityofmoberly.com
Public Forums for Howard & Randolph County Economic Development
The Moberly Area Economic Development Corporation (MAEDC) is seeking input from the public as part of its strategic planning process. The purpose of this forum is to obtain as much information as possible about economic development in the area and MAEDC in general. As part of this plan, specific objectives and goals will be outlined for growing the regional economy, improving the quality and effectiveness of MAEDC services, and providing a detailed action plan that will assist the MAEDC in achieving project objectives during the specified period.
The MAEDC aspires to be the premier provider of rural economic development services in Missouri. The purpose of the public input forums will be to obtain the best final product possible based on the knowledge and expertise of the professional consultant, Jim Fram of Community Growth Strategies, LLC.
The Randolph County Public Forum events will be held on Monday, March 27th at 12:00 pm and Tuesday, March 28th at 5:30 pm at the MAEDC offices located at 115 N. Williams, Moberly, MO 65270.
The Howard County Public Forum events will be held on Friday, April 21st as follows:
New Franklin - 8:30-9:30 am, 132 East Broadway, New Franklin, MO
Fayette - 10:30-11:30 am, Keller Building - Large Conference Room., 600 W. Morrison St., Fayette, MO
Glasgow - 1:30-2:30 pm, Glasgow City Council Chambers, 102 Market St., Glasgow, MO
Watch Now: How to Create Organizational Culture
If your organization's productivity, employee engagement, and retention improves business transforms. VP Culture uses scientific principles based on years of success in industry to develop your organization into a culture where your people and business thrive. VP Culture teaches leaders how to update the operating system of their organization: business culture. It uses four key scientific practices to accomplish this. It is compatible with all types of organizations from manufacturing to medical. All courses will be held from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at: MFA Oil Business Support Center 101 McKeown Pkwy Moberly, MO 65270 Dates The Four Workshops: Culture Science: March 31, 2023 Personality Science: April 28, 2023 Emotional Science: May 12, 2023 Values Science: June 2, 2023 Online video of workshops available upon request for those who have difficulty attending the live event. Cost Instead of each organization paying high consulting fees for individualized training, we gain from the economy of scale by offering the training to the entire business community. Pricing includes all four sessions. $300.00/ Employee
March Manufacturer Roundtable: Plant Layout and Process Flow Best Practices
March Manufacturer Roundtable: Plant Layout and Process Flow Best Practices Missouri manufacturers and local and regional partners are invited to attend our March roundtable in the UM System Manufacturer Partnership Spring Series on March 21, 2023, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. The UM System Manufacturer Partnership Roundtable Series brings together manufacturers, and other partners from across Missouri to discuss pressing challenges facing the industry and learn from invited experts. This month’s roundtable will focus on actionable concepts surrounding plant layout and process flow best practices that can increase efficiency and effectiveness within your facility. Our guest speaker comes to us from S&T bringing with him decades of industry and academic experience much of which has specifically been focused on the advance manufacturing industry. We look forward to seeing at this month’s roundtable on March 21st. Presenters: Dr. Richard Billo – Director of Kummer Institute Center for Advanced Manufacturing (S&T) Target Audience: Company Leadership, Plant Managers, Distribution Managers, Business Development Professionals For more information and to share the roundtable invitation with others, please visit: https://extension.missouri.edu/events/march-manufacturer-roundtable-plant-layout-and-process-flow-best-practices. For more information on the EDA Grant this program, please visit: https://extension.missouri.edu/programs/enhance-mo-manufacturers Cost: Free Contact: Jonathan Mack, jonathanmack@missouri.edu
Labor Commuting Certification
While many factors impact local competitiveness, the focus of a workforce market analysis is the availability of a competent and reliable workforce for the effective operations of growing businesses in the current labor market. Commuting, distance, age, earnings, industry profile, and education attainment are all important considerations when making an investment requiring a competent workforce. Explore the Labor Community Certification for Fayette/Howard and Moberly/Randolph to see where your community stands.

Upskilling and Reskilling New trends to manage a changing labor force Tri-State Development | Culver-Stockton College | March 17, 2023 The American work landscape is changing, and our tri-state region is no exception. Gone are the days when college grads could expect to find one good company, stick with them for the entirety of their careers, and then enjoy a nice retirement package. It’s a new day. It’s a worker’s market, and maintaining a healthy workforce is more critical than ever to business growth and long-term success. There is an urgent need for skilled workers across industries brought on by rapid advances in tech, shifts to AI and digitization, and a changing labor pool. As a country, we have an aging workforce with experience but lagging skills, a middle-aged market restless to stay current, and young workers with cutting-edge knowledge but little to no experience—to name a few. These changes have shifted the way companies conduct business and how employees approach their career lives. Continue Reading...
Listen: MO-DED's Inside EcoDevo Podcast
Episode 15 - Business and Community Solutions Listen Now! The Department of Economic Development's podcast series, Inside EcoDevo, brings the latest DED happenings directly to your earbuds. In every bimonthly episode, you'll hear directly from team members working on exciting initiatives that are helping Missourians prosper!
Missouri Economic Dashboard
Ref: meric.mo.gov, 2023