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Workforce Training :: 2023 Turn Crisis Into Competitive Advantage

Studies show improving business leadership and culture are proven keys to seeing great gains in productivity and employee retention. In an environment where businesses are confronted with workforce challenges on a daily basis, getting ahead sometimes requires revisiting how leaders lead. At this training, leaders will learn to lead using principles that are time-tested. We invite you to participate to experience results that truly will make a difference in your business.

If your organization's productivity, employee engagement, and retention improves business transforms. VP Culture uses scientific principles based on years of success in industry to develop your organization into a culture where your people and business thrive.

VP Culture teaches leaders how to update the operating system of their organization: business culture. It uses four key scientific practices to accomplish this. It is compatible with all types of organizations from manufacturing to medical.


Who Should Attend It is recommended that top and middle managers should attend. Although the training is helpful for employees of all levels. Sign up here. All courses will be held from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at: MFA Oil Business Support Center

101 McKeown Pkwy Moberly, MO 65270 Dates The Four Workshops: Culture Science: March 31, 2023 Personality Science: April 28, 2023 Emotional Science: May 12, 2023 Values Science: June 2, 2023 Online video of workshops available upon request for those who have

difficulty attending the live event.

Cost $300.00/ Employee

Instead of each organization paying high consulting fees for individualized training, we gain from the economy of scale by offering the training to the entire business community. Pricing includes all four sessions.


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