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growFEST Comes To Monroe City

The small business development event, growFEST, brings entrepreneurs and investors together. The event is designed to provide assistance to those working to either start a new business or expand an existing small business.

"Monroe City has a long history of entrepreneurs starting and running successful businesses", said Monroe City Mayor, Neal Minor. "Some of the major employers in town, were at one time, just individuals with a good idea. Having growFEST in Monroe City adds to that legacy of supporting and encouraging homegrown talent."

Grow Mid-Missouri, the group that produces growFEST, is comprised of individuals and organizations that exist to help those developing an idea for a small business. Led by Monroe City and Monroe County’s economic development team, Moberly Area Economic Development, Grow Mid-Missouri has had success in helping to start new small businesses in the region.

“We understand that the best opportunity for growth in our community is to start a new small business,” said Corey Mehaffy, President of Moberly Area Economic Development. “When small business is successful the benefits reach far beyond just one community.”

growFEST is scheduled for Thursday, April 23rd at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Monroe City and will bring together a half-dozen entrepreneurs and provide them an opportunity to meet qualified investors.

“growFEST is all about refining a good idea and injecting capital to start a new small business,” said Mehaffy. “Investors and lenders are looking for companies with good potential and we bring the two of them together.”

For an entrepreneur to qualify to become a growFEST participant they must work their way through a program to develop their idea into a business plan. “It is a lot of hard work going through the mentoring and coaching process,” said Darrell Hampsten, Director of the Small Business Development Center on the campus of Moberly Area Community College. “Our process is designed to provide the needed support for the small business owner so they are not walking the path alone.”

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